- 本文還表明,笛卡兒坐標比球坐標能提供更多的物理內容。Our studies show that the Cartesian coordinate offers more perfect description than the spherical polar one does.
- 比ratio
- 拉格比球比賽19世紀初創立於沃爾威克郡的拉格比學校,因此而得名。The game「 Rugby」 was invented at Rugby School in Warwich shire in the early19 th century.
- 球sphere
- 當傳球或推球入界的剎那間,其同隊運動員比球更接近於對方球門線,則該運動員處于越位位置。Illegally beyond the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped or ahead of the ball when the ball is kicked on a kickoff.
- 撞球table tennis
- 性價比performance price ratio
- 色球chromosphere
- 科比Bryant
- 球的spherical
- 不比unlike
- 配比mixture ratio
- 球閥ball plug
- 環比link relative ratio
- 踢球kickball
- 可比comparable
- 小球glomerulus
- 信噪比Signal-to-Noise
- 進球score
- 球杆cue