- 險阻難艱Obstructed by all sorts of difficulties
- 眼下,我們球會正在努力,因為它正處境難艱,經歷著一場嚴重的危機。At the minute the club is bubbling. It's been through a bad time. It's had a big crisis.
- 難problem
- 為難make things difficult for
- 難的hardy
- 艱difficult
- 很難very difficult
- 他步履蹣跚。He walked with a lurch.
- 兩難be in a dilemma
- 難過的sorry
- 難看的malformed
- 不難It's no big deal.
- 萬事開頭難It is the first step that costs troublesome
- 難耐intolerability
- 大難catastrophe
- 很難的helluva
- 不難看出as will be readily seen
- 難解abstrusity
- 覆水難收what is done cannot be undone
- 為難的vexed