- 正電子測顱X線攝片Positrocephalogram
- 高千伏x線攝片機high-KV X-ray shoot apparatus
- 外踝撕脫骨折的X線攝片方法X-ray projections for avulsion fractures of the lateral malleolus
- 測顱X線片cephalogram
- 圖9.矯正治療前、后測顱描繪之疊?及比較分析。Superimposition of cephalometric tracings and analysis before and after treatment.
- 片sheet
- 在線in-line
- 測顱X線照片cephalogram; cephalometric radiograph
- DDR雙能量減影對肩胛骨攝片的價值Value of DDR Dual-energy Subtraction in Scapula Radiography
- 圖4.矯正治療前之測顱X光片,描繪及分析。Cephalometric X-ray, tracing, and analysis before orthodontic treatment.
- 數字化攝片digital radiography
- 應力位攝片stress radiograph
- 熒光X線照片,間接X線攝影片,熒光圖photofluorogram
- PHILIPS CM120型透射電鏡攝片分析Analsysis of Photographs Taken with TEM of the Type of PHILIPS CM120
- 測顱X線(照)片cephalogram
- 本機為移動式,可進入病房作床邊攝片。It can be moved to sickroom to photograph beside bed.
- X線測顱法cephalometric roentgenography
- 術后4,8,12w 分別檢測:X 線攝片、ECT、骨密度、組織學和血液學檢查等。After the operation,on 4,8,12wtime-point X-ray photos,ECT,bone density measurement,histology research and hematology inspecting were brought into respectively.
- X線測顱器roentgenographic cephalometer
- 在未來的世紀中 ,醫學成像領域的焦點主要集中在 :(1)利用平板薄膜晶體管技術有源陣列在X線攝片中的應用像CT一樣普及。In the coming century,the medical imaging field will be concentrated on (1) the utilization of the flat panel TFT active marix array in X ray radiography as well as in volume CT.