- 格型FIR濾波器lattice FIR filter
- 光格型FIR濾波器optical lattice FIR filter
- 三型FIR濾波器type-3 FIR filter
- 格型卡爾曼濾波器lattice kalman filter
- 戶型house type
- 筆型pen type
- 基於格型陷波濾波器的科里奧利質量流量計信號處理方法A Lattice Notch Filter based Signal Processing Method for Coriolis Mass Flowmeter
- 一種用時變FIR濾波器實現寬頻恆定束寬波束形成器的方法A Relatively Fast Method of Constant Beamwidth Beamformer for Calculating FIR Filter with Time Variety
- 整型integer
- 運動型motile
- FIR濾波器FIR filter
- 表型phenotype
- 復FIR濾波器complex FIR filter
- 基於時變信號模型和格型陷波器的科氏流量計信號處理方法A Signal Processing Method for Coriolis Mass Flowmeter Based on Time-varying Signal Model and Lattice Notch Filter
- 示波器使用戶能夠運用自定義的FIR濾波器進行波形數字運算。Oscilloscopes have incorporated the ability for the user to apply their own custom designed FIR filters to math waveforms.
- 基於歸一化格型陷波器的科里奧利質量流量計信號處理方法A Signal Processing Method for the Coriolis Mass Flowmeter Based on a Normalized Lattice Notch Filter
- 語言進行描述。基於分散式演算法的高階FIR濾波器及其FPGA實現High Order FIR Filter Based on Distributed Arithmetic and Its FPGA
- 高通FIR濾波器high-pass FIR filter
- 層格型layer lattice type
- 插值FIR濾波器interpolated finite impulse response(IFIR) filter