



  • - (方格) check; squares formed by crossed lines; grid; lattice:

    squared paper; graph paper 方格紙

    - (格子) division (horizontal or otherwise):

    Dose: one measure each time. (藥水用法說明)每服一小格。

    This bookcase has five shelves. 這書架有五格。

    - (規格; 格式) standard; shape; form; pattern; style:

    one's character and morals; 品格

    qualification; 資格

    - (某些語言中名詞、代詞、形容詞的詞法範疇) case:

    the nominative case; 主格

    the objective case; 賓格

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Ge Ban 格班

  • - (阻礙;限制) resist; hinder; obstruct; impede:

    be barred by regulations 格於規定

    - (推究) study carefully; probe into:

    study the phenomena of nature 格物

    - (打) fight
  • - rattle; gurgle:

    rattle at the door; 把門搖得格格地響;

    chuckle; gurgle; laugh loudly; 格格地笑



  1. 銀行的職員從格柵後面看著顧客。
    The bank clerk peered at the customer through/from behind the grille.
  2. 這個寶石的價格十分昂貴--簡直是個天文數字。
    The price of this gem is expensive -- as much so as astronomical figures.
  3. 你要有格的紙還是白紙?
    Do you want ruled paper or plain?
  4. 諾曼人征服了英格蘭成了統治者。
    The Normans ruled England by right of conquest.
  5. 這位運動員有著魁梧的體格。
    This athlete has a powerful frame.
  6. 這個工人因為嚴格遵守規則而受到了表揚。
    The worker was praised for his observance of the rules.


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