- 男孩子通常模仿父親。It is customary for boys to emulate their fathers.
- 客人們極力誇讚可口的飯菜。The guests raved about dinner.
- 我通過模仿學會了這支歌。I learned the song by imitation.
- 他極力主張他們去紐約。He urged that they go to New York.
- 他一切都模仿他的哥哥。He apes his elder brother in everything he does.
- 政府會在法庭上極力為自己的立場爭辯,但亦會遵守法庭的判決。The Government will argue its case in court and abide by the rulings.
- 毫無創見的模仿a slavish imitation
- 她老是極力想討好人。She is always anxious to please.
- 那位演員模仿某些名人,以此逗樂觀眾。The actor amused the audience by mimicking some well-known people.
- 極力奉承To lay it on with a trowel
- 這個男孩把老師模仿得惟妙惟肖。The boy hit off the teacher to perfection.
- 馬克對約翰有幾分嫉妒,因而極力貶低他。Mark felt a tinge of jealousy toward John and he tried to blacken the picture.
- 值得模仿的行為exemplary behavior
- 他們極力查明物價飛漲的因素。They'll try to find out the factor of the price's zooming up.
- 他為了模仿那個演員,蓄起了鬍子。He grew beards in imitation of the actor.
- 極力吹棒in very flattering terms
- 簡模仿布谷鳥的叫聲。Jane imitates the cuckoo.
- 我們起訴極力收回我們的財產。We go to law to try to regain our property.
- 模仿電影明星to impersonate film stars
- 她極力反對別人說她勢利眼.She protested strongly at being called a snob.