



  • - (秤錘) counterpoise; weight (of a steelyard)
    - (權力) power; authority:

    in power; 當權

    be authorized (to do sth.); 受權

    - (權利) right:

    right to vote; 表決權

    rights for living; 生存權

    - (有利的形勢)advantageous position:

    hegemony; 霸權

    mastery of the air; 制空權

    - (權變; 權宜) expediency:

    adapt oneself to circumstances 通權達變

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Quan Deyu 權德輿

  • - (權衡) weigh:

    weigh up one thing against another; weigh up the matter carefully 權其輕重

  • - (權且; 姑且) tentatively; for the time being:

    act temporarily as; serve as a stopgap for; 權充

    doctor a dead horse tentatively as if it were still alive -- not give up for lost 死馬權當活馬醫



  1. 憲法授予總統宣戰權。
    The constitution vests the president with the power to declare war.
  2. 教皇在當代社會沒有世俗方面的權利。
    The Pope has no temporal power in modern society.
  3. 戴著的皇冠是王權的象徵。
    A diadem was worn as sign of royal power.
  4. 他渴望擁有權力。
    He was thirsty for power.
  5. 將軍被授予最高權力。
    The general was girded with the supreme power.
  6. 什麼也滿足不了這個野心家的權力欲。
    Nothing could sate the careerist's greed for power.
  7. 瓊在從事爭取婦女平等權力的活動。
    Joan is campaigning for equal rights for women.
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