



  1. "下次我見到哈里就毫不客氣地訓他一頓。" "別吹了,你連對有病的老鼠都不敢吭一聲。"
    "I'm going to give Harry a piece of my mind next time I see him." "Get out of it! You couldn't give a sick mouse a piece of your mind."
  2. 珍多年來一直在照料她那有病的母親。
    Jane has been attending on her sick mother for year.
  3. 他非常挂念他有病的母親。
    He is full of concern about his sick mother.
  4. 一組人,他們定期支付一定份額的錢,用這些錢來幫助該組退休的、有病的或有經濟困難的成員。
    Group of people who pay regular contribution which be used to help member of the group when they retire, be ill or in financial difficulty.
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