- 熊過早結束冬眠,不免使獵手有機可趁,動物保護者們開始關注今年幼熊存活問題。" said Kalev Manniste,a senior official at the Baltic country's State Forest Service.
- 可趁之機chance
- 有機可焊性保護劑organic solderabUity preservatives
- 有機可焊性保護(OSP)Organic Solderability Preservative(OSP)
- 使貪污有極少的可趁之機和助長誘因;* Minimal opportunities and incentives for corruption
- 壞鎖惹來撬鎖人。(予人可趁之機。)A bad padlock invites picklock.
- 趁avail oneself of
- 由於他拿手的各種海鮮煮炒多不勝數,因此學員們可趁此機會輕輕鬆鬆的學習如何烹調美味的海鮮煮炒。As he has mastered so many seafood cze cha, students are able to learn his culinary skills and cook delicious seafood cze cha.
- 創可貼Woundplast
- 安可encoreter
- 不可用的unusable
- 可心satisfying; to one's heart's content
- 人不可貌相You can's judge a book by it's cover
- 不可見的sightless
- 尚可tolerableness
- 不可見invisible
- 不可預見的unpredictable
- 可預見的foreseeable
- 他有錢有勢,可儘管如此卻並不快樂。He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy for all that.
- 便可alright