



  1. 有效的防衛是不待對方導彈擊中我們而先行將其攔截。
    Effective defence is a matter of intercepting their missiles before they can reach us.
  2. 做廣告往往是最有效的推銷方法。
    Advertising is often the most effective method of promotion.
  3. 商業電視是有效的廣告宣傳工具。
    Commercial television is an effective medium for advertising.
  4. 這一婚姻關係是有效的。
    The marriage was held to be valid.
  5. 不能根據一兩個病例就得出該葯是否有效的結論。
    You cannot generalize about the effects of the drug from one or two cases.
  6. 那個馴馬師掌握行之有效的馴馬技巧。
    That trainer knows how to get results from his horses.
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