- 解壓或安裝某個已有的Zip文件Unzip or install from an existing Zip file.
- 更新某個已有的Zip文件Update an exiting Zip file.
- 必須先刪除某個已有的設備類型才能添加其他設備類型!You must delete a device type before you will be allowed to add any further!
- 已有的existing
- 具有上面某個已定義類型的數組。An array with one of these defined types.
- 已有的研究只針對某一類具體的增量更新問題,而且沒有考慮多次增量更新的情形。However,the existing research only focuses on a certain type of incremental updating problems(IUPs) and no research has been done to deal with the relationships among all kinds of IUPs.
- 當更新已有帳戶時你也可以改變用戶名。When updating existing accounts you can change usernames as well.
- 從前刑事檢控被作為某個已知的有關人的某個人的「依據告發」。Criminal informations were formerly filed ex-relation of an individual known as the relator.
- 新的寫入到CD的文件將覆蓋在CD上已有的文件,如果它們的名稱相同。New files being written to the CD will replace any files already on the CD if they have the same name.
- 在嘗試創建和初始化某個已配置的個性化設置提供程序的實例時發生配置異常。A configuration exception occurred while attempting to create and initialize an instance of one of the configured personalization providers.
- 陶醉於已有的成就become dizzy [intoxicated] with the successes already won
- 若事件調用某個已在堆棧中的事件過程,則確保未通過觸發該事件導致「事件級聯」。Make sure you did not cause an "event cascade" by triggering an event that calls an event procedure already on the stack.
- 在已有的基礎上前進build on past achievements
- 向文件添加腳本(如果是保存到一個已有文件中)Append script to file (if saving to an existing file)
- 但是,您可以查看文檔的所有版本、將當前版本還原到文檔的某個先前版本,或刪除文檔的某個已存檔版本。You can, however, view all versions of a document, restore the current document to a previous version of the document, or delete an archived version of the document.
- 介紹了已有的研究工作,並提出了我國在這一領域的發展方向。The authers ows research works are introduced, finally some future efforts required in this field of our country are also proposed.
- 在字(詞)處理技術中的一種動作,從某個文件資料中檢索出某個已規定好的文字塊,並把它插入正在建立或修改的文件資料中去。In word processing, the act of retrieving of a defined block of text from a document and inserting it into the document being created or revised.
- 他看到了自己已有的成就,就覺得滿懷喜悅,全身暖意洋洋。A warm self-content suffused him when he considered what he had already done.
- 已有的研究表明,ALR與Na~+,K~+-ATPase在體內、體外都能直接結合。Previous research elucidated that ALR could interact with Na~+, K~+-ATPase directly in vitro and in vivo.
- 很遺憾,「女王」號上的艙位已全部訂滿,但不定期船還是有的。Much to our regret , the shipping space on s.s. o queen A have be fully booked , but tramp be still available .