- 智能PID演算法在密煉機溫度控制系統中的應用Application of intelligent PID algorithm in temperature control system of internal mixer
- 智能PID演算法intelligent PID algorithm
- 一種基於智能PID演算法的遠紅外烘乾爐控制器The Far-infrared Stove Controller Basing on a Kind of IntelligencePID Calculation Method
- 智能intelligent
- 智能PID控制演算法intelligence PID control algorithm
- 一種逆向變速積分PID演算法及其在盾構土壓平衡模擬系統中的應用A Reverse Variable Gain PID Control Algorithm and its Application to the Earth Pressure Balance Simulation System
- 自適應智能PID控制self-adaptive intelligent PID control
- 智能的intelligent
- 預置PID演算法在未超調溫控系統中的應用Application of Prearrange PID Algorithm for No Overshoot Temperature Control System
- 智能手機smart mobile phone
- PID演算法對水輪機調節系統的穩定域影響Influence of PID algorithm on stability domain of hydro-turbine governing system
- 智能PID控制intelligent PID control
- PID演算法在壓縮機組轉速和空燃比控制中的應用The Application of PID Algorithm in Controls of Rotating Speed and Air-Fuel Ratio in Compressor Unit
- 智能卡smart card
- 智能控制intelligent control
- PID演算法PID algorithm
- 智能PID控制器intelligent PID controller
- PID演算法對星間光通信ATP子系統跟蹤控制帶寬的影響研究Research on the influence of PID to ATP control width in inter-satellite optical communications
- 變增益智能PID控制器設計Design on intelligent PID controller of changeable gain
- 基於PID演算法的BP網路在被測裝置的輸出數據證實中的應用The Application of BP Neural Network by Using Discrete Increment PID Algorithm in Data Verification Technology