- 智能intelligent
- 攪拌反應釜智能CAD系統的研究與應用Research and application on intelligent CAD system of stirred bed reactor
- 基於特徵的齒輪類零件智能CAD系統的研究Character -based CAD System Research of Gear Drives
- 智能CAD技術在液壓泵站三維建模中的實現Implementation of intelligent CAD technique in three dimensional (3d) modelling of hydraulic pump station
- 智能的intelligent
- 插裝式液壓機液壓系統智能CAD研究及軟體開發Research on the intelligent CAD and development of the software of the hydraulic system of the inserting hydraulic machine
- 智能手機smart mobile phone
- 基於實例推理的沖模智能CAD系統關鍵技術的研究Researching of the Intelligent CAD System Key Techniques for Stamping Die on Case Based Reasoning
- 智能卡smart card
- CADCAD(Computer Aided Design)
- 智能控制intelligent control
- E-cadE-cad
- CAD圖CAD graph
- 智能機器人intelligent robot
- 智能機intelligence machine
- 車身CADauto body CAD
- 智力缺陷,智障智能發育不足Insufficient mental development.
- 紙盒CADcarton CAD
- 智能系統intelligent system