- 智能intelligent
- 智能Agentintelligent Agent
- 智能Agent技術intelligent agent technology
- 智能Agent系統intelligent agentsystem
- 靜態智能Agentstatic intelligent agent
- 基於智能agent的個性化產品定製Individuation Product Ordering Based on Intelligent Agent
- 智能的intelligent
- 郵件分類的智能Agent系統的研究The Research of Intelligent Agent System on Email Classification
- 智能手機smart mobile phone
- 基於智能Agent技術的虛擬市場的構建Research on the Construction of Virtual Market Based on Intelligent Agent
- 智能卡smart card
- 智能控制intelligent control
- 一種智能Agent內部信號的分類及圖示方法A Sort of Catalog and Diagram Method about the Inner Signal of the Intelligent Agent
- 智能機器人intelligent robot
- 智能機intelligence machine
- 基於部分計值的信息個人化智能Agent系統Intelligent Information Personalization Agent System Based on Partial Evaluation
- 智力缺陷,智障智能發育不足Insufficient mental development.
- 智能系統intelligent system
- 智能軟體knowledgeware
- 智能交通intelligent transportation