- 基於等效斜視距離模型的高解析度星載SAR波數域成像演算法Equivalent-Squint-Range-Model Based Wavenumber Domain Focusing Algorithm for High Resolution Spaceborne SAR
- 星載SAR天線space-borne SAR antenna
- 長序列星載SARlong-term spaceborne SAR
- 載year
- 卸載uninstall
- 載入to load
- 星載SAR圖像的斑點雜訊抑制與濾波研究Speckle noise suppression and filtering methods for spaceborne SAR images
- 星載SAR在軌功率測試的姿態誤差影響分析The Analysis of Attitude Error Influence on the Transmitting SAR On-orbit Power Measurement
- 星載SAR衛星天線擾動對波束中心指向的影響Study on SAR Satellite Beam Directivity of Antenna Jitter
- 彈載SARmissile-borne SAR
- 基於橢圓軌道的星載SAR面目標原始數據模擬Area Target's Raw Data Simulation of Spaceborne SAR Based on Elliptical Orbit
- 星載spaceborne
- 星載SARspaceborne SAR
- 星載GPSon-board GPS
- 星載鍾onboard clock
- 星載EPCEPC used in spaceborne
- 星載AISsatellite-based AIS
- 星載相機aerial photography
- 星載遙感space remote sensing
- 星載天線satellite antenna