- 昆騰PLCQuantum PLC
- 昆騰Quantum
- 騰to soar
- 香港昆騰公司Quantum (H.K) Co Ltd
- 二者結盟預計將縮短昆騰公司開發的環保汽車技術大規模投放市場的時間。The alliance is expected to shorten the time to mass market commercialisation of vehicles using the environmentally-friendly technology being developed by Quantum.
- 通用公司周二宣布已經買下昆騰科技公司(一家位於加州專門為使用燃料電池的汽車生產配件的公司)百分之二十的股份。General Motors said Tuesday it has purchased a 20 percent stock in Quantum Technologies,a California company specializing in producing components for fuel-cell cars.
- PLCPLC(Programmable Logic Controller)
- 虛擬PLCVirtual PLC
- 泡騰effervesce
- 坎昆Cancun
- PLC技術PLC technology
- 三菱PLCMitsubishi PLC
- 泡騰片effervescent tablet
- PLC設計PLC design
- 這世上有些人把整個時間花費於搜尋正義,卻騰不出時間來付諸實踐。Some folks in this world spend their whole time hunting after righteousness and can not find any time to practice it.
- 阿爾岡昆人這些部族的成員A member of one of these peoples.
- PLC程序PLC program
- 昆嵛山Kunyu Shan
- PLC教學PLC teaching