- 崑崙Ms8.1地震Kunlunshan Ms8.1 earthquake
- 汶川Ms8級地震Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake
- 2001年昆崙山口西M_S8.1地震最大位移討論Discussion on Maximum Co-seismic Displacement of the West Kunlun Mountains Pass M_S 8.1 Earthquake
- 汶川Ms8.0地震Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake
- 什麼是1-2連擊?What is one-two?
- 2比1,倫敦隊勝。Two to one in favour of the London team.
- 地震使大地顫動。The earthquake thrilled the land.
- 1Fructose 1
- 地震時地面震動。The ground vibrated during the earthquake.
- 千克是1公噸。1000 kilos is a metric ton. 1000
- 那次地震造成了可怕的毀壞。The earthquake caused terrible havoc.
- 1.花招sleight of hand
- 1. 口才the gift of the gab
- 日本常發生地震。Japan is subject to earthquakes.
- 1. 凌晨the wee small hours
- 地震震動房屋。The earthquake rocked the houses.
- 1.挑戰throw down the gauntlet
- 東崑崙斷裂帶東段瑪曲斷裂古地震初步研究Palaeo-earthquake Study on the Maqu Fault of East Kunlun Active Fault
- 他富於想象方,只幾分鐘就能寫出1首五行打油詩。He is full of imagination and can knock off a limerick in a few minutes.
- 地震時,我們的地窖塌陷了。Our cellar caved during the earthquake.