- 時隙式非堅持CSMAslot time-nonpersistent CSMA
- 堅持CSMApersistent CSMA
- 時hour
- 連續型1-堅持CSMAcontinuous-time 1-CSMA system
- 時隙time slot
- 堅持persistence
- 可以唯一被識別和確定的周期性時間間隔,例如位時隙、路時隙、幀時隙。A periodic interval of time that can be uniquely ?identified? and determinated.For example, bit time slot, path time slot, frame time slot.
- 非堅持CSMAno persistent CSMA
- p-堅持CSMAp-persistent CSMA
- 位時隙digit time slot
- 路時隙channel time slot
- 時隙塊slot block
- 幀時隙frame slot
- 時隙碼time slot code
- 採樣時隙sampling time slot
- 時隙交換Time-slotted switching
- 通路時隙channel interval
- 時隙內容time slot content
- 時隙環形slotted ring