- 時態XMLTemporal XML
- 時態XML索引數據模型temporal XML index data model
- 時態(verb) tense
- 過去時態preterit
- 現在時態primary tenses
- 完成時態perfect tense
- 時態變化shifting of tenses
- 過去時態的preterite
- 這個動詞使用的是現在時態。The verb is in the present tense.
- 未完成時態the imperfect tense
- 時態的一致concord of tenses
- 時態的呼應sequence of tenses
- 他想知道在什麼情況下需要用完成時態。He wants to know what situation calls for use of the perfect.
- 現在時態的動詞形式A verb form in the present tense.
- 進行時態[Grammar] progressive tense
- 法語的過去未完成時態.the imperfect tenses in French
- 審訊時態opportune moment for interrogation
- 注意時態的呼應。Pay attention to the sequence of tense.
- 時態邏輯[計] temporal logic; tense logic
- 時態GIStemporal GIS