- 日本X線設備工程標準Japan Engineering Standard of Roentgen Apparatus; JESRA
- 線thread
- 標準standard
- 車載X線設備系統vehicle - mounted X - ray equipment system
- 工程engineering
- 日本Japan
- 在線in-line
- 醫用X線設備用高壓電纜插頭和插座連接High-voltage cable plug and socket connections for medical X-ray equipment
- 日本x射線設備工程標準japan engineering standard of roentgen apparatus
- 兒童X線診斷放射衛生防護標準Radiological protection standards for the children in X-ray diagnosis
- X線設備x-ray outfit
- X線人類學roentgenographic anthropology
- 透X線Pass through X - ray
- 動物診斷用X線設備equipment for animal examination, X-ray
- X線兩檔Two X-ray energy modes
- X線系統X- ray system
- X線檢測X-ray detection
- X線攝影設備radiographic equipment
- X線引導X-ray guided
- X線投影設備X-ray projection equipment