- 無組蛋白雙鏈DNAhistone-free double stranded DNA
- 轉幾丁質酶和核糖體失活蛋白雙價基因大豆的獲得與抗病性鑒定Obtainment of Transgenic Soybean Plants with Chitinase and Ribosome Inactivating Protein Genes and Their Resistance Identification
- 與狼瘡活動指標抗核抗體、抗雙鏈DNA抗體呈正相關 (r值分別為 0 .6 2 7、0 .70 5 ,P <0 .0 1) ,與補體 (C3)呈負相關 (r =-0 .5 38,P <0 .0 1)。the levels of LFA-1 expression showed a positive correlation with lupus activity index, ANA, and ds-DNA (r=0.746;0.627;0.705,P<0.01, respectively) and a negative correlation with C3(r=-0.538,P<0.01).
- 脫氧核糖核酸-組蛋白複合物DNA-histone complex
- 組蛋白甲基化和去甲基化研究進展Development of Histone Methylation and Demethylation
- 無塵dustless
- 雙鏈置換探針實時PCR用於DNA池的等位基因頻率測定Determination of Allele Frequency of Pooled DNA by Double-stranded Displacing Probe-based Real Time PCR
- 漫無目的flanerie
- 鑰匙鏈key chain
- 暗無天日(said of a nation, locality etc.) total absence of justice
- 粘貼鏈接paste link
- 北京奧組委BOCOG; Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad
- 半雙工semiduplex
- 無可替代can not be substituted
- 錨鏈cable chain
- 六神無主in a state of utter stupefaction
- 母親給她買了一雙網球鞋。Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes.
- 溴乙錠嵌入三鏈DNA dA_10·2dT_10的證據Evidence for the Intercalation of Ethidium Bromide to Triplex DNA dA_(10) - 2dT_(10)
- 愛無止境my heart will go on
- H ir/H ira基因產物是組蛋白基因表達的一種負調節因子,其在果蠅發育過程中的作用還沒有得到確認.HIR/HIRA,encoded by Hir/Hira(histone regulation) genes,were identified as negative regulators of histone gene expression.