- 新產品R&DNew Product R&D
- 這家小公司推出新產品獲得成功,因為這種新產品恰好是大眾所需要的。The small company hit the mark with its new product because it was just what the public wanted.
- 他們向市場推出一種新產品。They put a new product on the market.
- 新產品pioneer product
- 一項旨在推出新產品的廣告計劃;一項候選人的政治計劃An advertising campaign for a new product; a candidate's political campaign.
- 開發新產品develop new product
- 你的工作是促銷這一新產品。Your job is to promote the new product.
- 新產品開發new product development
- 為一種新產品插播廣告put in a plug for a new product
- 他們的新產品在國內市場銷售失敗。Their new products bombed on the home market.
- 你們把丟失新產品技術文件的事向警方報告了嗎?Have you reported the loss of the technical papers about the new product to the police?
- 他們的新產品可以郵購方式買到。Their new products are available by mail order.
- 公司將全部賭注都押在新產品上。The company gambled all on the new product.
- 首次推出一種新產品to debut a new product
- 新產品下個月能出售嗎?Will the new product be at market next month?
- 為某人的新產品大做廣告to boost one's new product
- 發新產品For New Product Develop -ment
- 為新產品草擬醒目廣告語to sloganeer for a new product
- 添新產品Unisys OASIS Adding New Products
- 廣為宣傳一種新產品plug a new product