- 老師吩咐那些男孩,把野餐后散在周圍的廢紙收集起來。The teacher told the boys to collect all the wastepaper lying about after the picnic.
- 大腸癌轉移相關基因在RNA水平和蛋白質水平上的差異篩選Differential Screening on Metastasis-related Genes of Colorectal Carcinoma at the RNA and Protein Level
- 散loosen
- 遍在RNAubiquitous RNA
- 這個原理可以用散在一組幾何平面上的無量綱的點來說明。The principle can be illustrated by a set of dimensionless points scattered on a plane.
- 滾環複製技術的建立及在RNA病毒基因檢測中的初步應用Detection of RNA Virus Gene by Rolling Circle Amplification Method
- 核糖核酸,它能攜帶從DNA發出的指令到細胞核糖體,在那裡,蛋白質在rna作用下被合成。Ribonucleic acid, which carries instructions from DNA in the nucleus to cell polyribosomes, where proteins are, made according to the RNA instructions.
- 不見不散Not to leave without seeing each other.
- 在絲羽烏骨雞和白洛克肉雞中,A797G和T1254C變異在RNA水平呈現品種特異性變化的趨勢。A797G and T1254C polymorphisms show the tendency of special change between silikies and White Plymouth Rock broilers on RNA level.
- 把草種播散在草坪里Distribute grass seed over the lawn.
- 散在的[醫] sporadic
- 瞳孔散在dilatatio pupillae
- 散在誤差sporadic fault
- 散在單群sporadic simple groups
- 散在分佈diffused distribution
- 散在細胞disseminated cell
- 散在神經元sporadoneure
- 長散在元件long interspersed element
- 短散在元件short interspersed element
- 散在帶纖維[醫] scattered fillet fibers