- 不穩定型心絞痛患者外周血輔助性T淋巴細胞功能失衡的意義Significance of the imbalance of T-helper lymphocyte functions in patients with unstable angina
- 輔助性T淋巴細胞1和2比率變化與妊娠期高血壓疾病發病的關係Changes of T-helper 1 and T-helper 2 ratio in peripheral blood and decidua in hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy
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- 調節性T淋巴細胞regulatory T lymphocyte
- 放大性T淋巴細胞amplifier T-lymphocyte
- 知性intellectuality
- 改性modification
- 臍血源性T淋巴細胞Cord blood derived-T lymphocytes
- 放大性T細胞TA cell
- 自身反應性T淋巴細胞auto - reactive T lymphocytes
- 房性T波atrial T wave
- 負性T波negative T wave
- 心房性T波auricular T-wave; Ta-wave
- 淋巴細胞與肝癌細胞混合培養誘導特異性細胞毒T淋巴細胞的形成Co-culture of lymphocytes and hepatocellular carcinoma cells induces specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte lines
- 結腸抗原特異性T細胞克隆回輸治療大鼠潰瘍性結腸炎的研究The experimental research of colon-antigen-specific-T cell clone being infused into ulcerative colitis rat
- 增殖性T細胞proliferative T lymphocyte
- 致敏性T細胞sensitized T-cell
- 再生障礙性貧血骨髓T淋巴細胞克隆的研究A study on T cell clones from bone marrow of an aplastic anemia patient
- 強化性T細胞amplifier T cell
- 調節性T細胞regulatory T-cell