- 操作現有FrontPage網站To work in an existing FrontPage Web site
- 向FrontPage網站添加文件Add a file to a FrontPage Web site
- 為什麼在我的FrontPage網站中找不到使用率分析設置?Why can't I find usage analysis settings in my FrontPage Web site?
- 操作列表中的現有謂詞Existing Verbs in Action Lists
- 他會操作這台機器。He knows how to handle the machine.
- 大象是現有的最大的陸上動物。The elephant is the largest land animal in existence.
- 學會熟練地操作電腦是不容易習得的。The skilful operation of a computer is hard to learn.
- 目標伺服器不需要FrontPage伺服器擴展。The target server does not require FrontPage Server Extensions.
- 大量家務活可用機械化操作。A good deal of housework can be mechanized.
- 這是現有的最雄偉的大橋。This is the most magnificent bridge in existence.
- 器官網站上湧現出許多樂善好施的人。Organ websites reflect a surge in the number of Good Samaritans.
- 這台機器很難操作。This machine is awkward to handle.
- 安裝完成後,即可像平常一樣使用FrontPage中各項功能。Once you have gone through the installation process, simply use FrontPage as usual.
- 現有的最好的汽車the best car going
- 子網站Sub-website
- 已告訴工人要提高操作水平。The workers have been told to improve their operating level.
- (你)還沒有得到新的工作就辭去現有的工作太不慎重了。It would be imprudent (of you) to resign from your present job before you are offered another.
- WAP網站WAP website
- 照我們現有的資料來看as far as information goes
- 新型計算機的操作周期短。it was not possible to complete the computation in a single pass.