- 預先佔有先於他人而佔用、佔有或據為已有To appropriate, seize, or take for oneself before others.
- 美國自1830年起,加拿大從1870年左右起,殖民者開始向西遷移,並把平原據為已有。From 1830 onwards in the USA and from about 1870 in Canada, settlers began to move westwards and to take possession of the plains as their own.
- 非法佔為已有illegal appropriation
- 將由自己保管的資金非法據為已有。The illegal misappropriation of funds entrusted to one's care.
- 已完成off the stocks
- 貪心的老貓利用姐姐大蘭的嫉妒,害死了小蘭,企圖把神奇的馬蘭花竊為已有。By colluding with the jealous Big Lan, the voracious Old Cat killed Little Lan and wanted to appropriate all the magic Ma Lan Flower by himself.
- 據為私有地discommon
- 有為yu-wei
- 特立此據為證drafted specifically as evidence for this preface
- 已有的existing
- 大小在運行時始終為已知。Size is always known at run time.
- 我看到那位主任把最好的辦公室據為己用。I see that the director has appropriated the best office to his own use.
- 你何必為已發生的事沒完沒了地自責?Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened?
- 郵件轉送我們前已有好長一段時間的耽擱。There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us.
- 不允許任何人將公共福利據為私有。Let no man appropriate a common benefit.
- 高斯曲率為已給四次函數的旋轉曲面Rotational Surface With Given Gauss Curvature Function of the Fourth Order
- 把他人的東西據為私有就等於偷竊。Keeping what belongs to another amounts to stealing.
- 別問鮑勃有關他妻子的事,他和妻子分手已有一年多了。Don't ask Bob about his wife,he's been estranged from her for over a year now.
- 已有人提出了一種利用原油製品的新方法。A new way has been shown of making use of the products from crude oil.
- 他們鑽研未知的東西,以便變不知為已知。They attacked what was unknown, in order to make it known.