- 揮軍march troops to war
- 揮軍前進motion the army to advance; order the troops to advance
- 擊to hit
- 進advance
- 進擊advance on
- 點擊[計算機]click, to click on
- 美利堅邦聯軍隊在錢瑟勒斯維爾戰役勝利后,李將軍揮軍北上,與米德率領的聯邦軍在葛底斯堡戰役遭遇。"After the Confederate victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Lee invaded the North and engaged Union forces under George Meade at the momentous Battle of Gettysburg."
- 雙擊double-click
- 縮進indent
- 走進step in
- 一年後,揮軍溯長江而上,直逼南京,雙方終於在一八四二年八月二十九日訂立《南京條約》,戰事始告平息。A year later,after pushing up the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) and threatening to assault Nanking (Nanjing),he brought the hostilities to an end by the Treaty of Nanking,signed on August 29,1842.
- 請進walk up
- 揮wield
- 向敵人的陣地進擊advance on the enemy's position.
- 軍師counsellor
- 一擊sock
- 與時俱進advance with the times
- 秦(公元前二二一至二零七年)漢(公元前二零六年至公元二二零年)時代朝廷揮軍南征,平定江南,使南方的新移民不斷增加,對原居民產生種種影響。The military conquest of South China by the north during the Qin (221-207 BC) and Han (206 BC-220 AD) dynasties must have brought increasing numbers of Han settlers into the region and exerted a variety of influences on the indigenous populations.
- 快進speed
- 點擊率clicking rate