- 這些干邑白蘭地的區別主要體現在陳釀年份上面:VS通常陳釀4-5年,而VSOP則需要陳釀7-10年。The main difference is the amount of aging each receives; a VS Cognac is usually aged 4-5 years, while VSOP Cognac is aged in wood 7-10 years.
- 前幾天我偶然地讀到一篇關於同拿破崙作戰的有趣文章。The other day I came across an interesting essay on the war with Napoleon.
- 誰都知道,拿破崙在滑鐵盧一時沉不住氣,把整個帝國給斷送了。Everyone knew that Napoleon blew his cool and his empire at Waterloo.
- 你知道拿破崙是誰嗎?Do you know who Napoleon was?
- 拿破崙被放逐到聖赫勒拿島。Napoleon was exiled from his country to the island of St.Helena.
- 店小二民族(拿破崙對英國人的貶稱)a nation of shopkeepers
- 讚揚拿破崙的妙處to extol the beauty of Naples
- 拿破崙和希特勒與所有的歐洲國家交戰。Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe.
- 我才不管他媽的拿破崙的骨灰會是怎麼樣呢。I do not care a twopenny damn what become of the ashes of napoleon.
- 我的老闆是個小拿破崙。My boss is a little Napoleon.
- 拿破崙.Napoleon Bonaparte --
- 拿破崙皇帝.The Emperor Napoleon
- 中國拿破崙The Step Into Napoleon Bonaparte
- 拿破崙封帝Napoleon is proclaimed Emperor of France
- 拿破崙於1812年打敗了俄國但不可避免地消弱了自己的軍隊。Napoleon defeated the Russians in 1812,but irreparably weakened his army.
- 歷史的類比,如拿破崙與希特勒之間的類比,不應做過頭。Historical analogies,as between Napoleon and Hitler,ought not to be carried too far.
- 拿破崙戰爭Napoleonic Wars
- 拿破崙正在參加軍事檢閱。Napoleon was viewing a military parade.
- 拿破崙一世傳,The Life of Napoleon I
- 拿破崙遭放逐。Napoleon was sent into exile.