- 抗dsDNA自身抗體anti-dsDNA autoantibody
- 紅斑狼瘡(SLE和DLE)抗核抗體、抗ENA抗體和抗dsDNA抗體的檢測及意義Detection of ANA,anti-ENA antibodies and anti-dsDNA antibodies in lupus erythematosus
- 目的研究CpG序列在誘生抗dsDNA抗體中的作用及可能機制。Objective To investigate the effect of CpG sequences on t he induction of anti-dsDNA antibodies and the possible mechanism.
- 聯合檢測ARPA與抗Sm抗體和抗dsDNA抗體,可以提高血清學診斷SLE的檢出率。It can enhance the diagnostic rate of SLE by the determination of combining the ARPA with anti-dsDNA and anti-Sm anti-bodies.
- 抗to resist
- ARPA的表達與抗SSA、抗SSB和抗nRNP抗體表達相關(P<0.05),而與ANA、抗dsDNA和抗sm抗體的相關性不強(P>0.05)。The expression of ARPA was correlated to anti-SSA, anti-SSB, anti-nRNP, but not to ANA anti-dsDNA and anti-sm.
- 抗拉強度intensity of tension
- 抗菌antibiosis
- 抗氧化劑antioxidant
- 抗性fastness
- 抗病毒antivirus
- 抗氧化oxidation resistance
- 抗壓resist compression
- 抗壓強度pressive strength
- 結果顯示TCV可明顯地抑制CJ-S131誘導的特異性遲髮型超敏反應,相反卻顯著地增強抗dsDNA抗體和抗外膜蛋白抗體生成。The results sho wed that TCV is unable to cure or prevent SLE-like syndrome. Although the delayed type hypcrsensitivity against CJ-S131 was significantly inhibited, TCV markedly enhanced the anti-dsDNA antibody and membrane protein of CJ-S131 antibody production.
- 拮抗antagonism
- 抗衰老anti-ageing; senile-resistant
- 抗菌葯antibacterial
- 抗衝擊shock resistance
- 抗拉tensile