- 抗生素XGantibiotic XG
- 抗生素antibiotics
- 轉B7-1基因的人多發性骨髓瘤細胞XG-7在激發殺腫瘤細胞CTL中的作用The Role of Myeloma Cells XG-7 Transfected with B7-1 Gene in Activating Tumor-killing CTL
- 華北漢族Kell、Kidd、Diego、Duffy、Lutheran和Xg血型系統的分佈Distribution of Kell, Kidd, Diego Duffy Lutheran and Xg Blood Group Systems in Han Nationality of North China
- 實驗中得到了市區五個樣點(ST、LD、QL、AN和XG)的樹輪年表,其中LD、OL和AN三點樹輪年表質量較好。Five chronologies, three of which (LD, QL and AN) have acceptable quality, were obtained from five sites in Lanzhou City, including ST, LD, QL, AN and XG.
- 這種葯會抑制抗生素引起的反胃。This medicine will counteract the queasiness caused by the antibiotics.
- 青霉素是現代抗生素的先導。Penicillin was the forerunner of modern antibiotics.
- 第二章介紹了一種參考NTT DoCoMo的B3G系統模型,包括」XG」的理念,物理層上下行鏈路所使用的技術,以及上層平台的開發模型。And several problems that will greatly influence the accuracy of location estimation are also listed and analysed. In the second chapter, a B3G system model based on the research of NTT DoCoMo is introduced, including the"XG"concept, the technology of uplink/downlink, and upper layer model.
- 我給開點咳嗽藥和一些抗生素藥丸。I'll give you some cough medicine and some antibiotic pills.
- 抗生素髮酵微生物microorganisms of antibiotic fermentation
- 由青霉素類軟膏製成的真菌抗生素。a fungicidal antibiotic produced by molds of the genus Penicillium.
- 農用抗生素farm antibiotics
- 一種新的高效抗生素不久將在市面銷售。A new potent antibiotic will shortly be available.
- 半合成的抗生素a semisynthetic antibiotic.
- 多肽類抗生素polypeptide antibiotics
- 廣譜抗生素broad-spectrum antibiotic
- 氨基糖苷類抗生素aminoglycoside antibiotics
- 施用抗生素the administration of antibiotics
- 抗生素藥膏antibiotic ointment
- 核苷抗生素nucleoside antibiotic