- 抗生素JI-20AAntibiotic JI-20A
- JI網路JI- network
- 20A鋼20A steel
- 情侶Min-jae Kim Min-jong和Eun-ji Kim Jung-eun本是純樸的鄉下人。Min-jae Kim Min-jong and Eun-ji Kim Jung-eun were two innocent villagers.
- RTS-20A攜帶型低溫恆溫槽RTS-20A Portable Low Constant Temperature Trough
- 這種葯會抑制抗生素引起的反胃。This medicine will counteract the queasiness caused by the antibiotics.
- 東芝DGW-20A點片架升降故障的檢修The Troubleshooting of Climbing and Dropping of Spot Film Device in TOSHIBA DGW-20 A
- 青霉素是現代抗生素的先導。Penicillin was the forerunner of modern antibiotics.
- GCF-20A型衝擊-迴轉反循環工程鑽機GCF-20A Reverse Circulation Percussive Drilling Rig
- 抗生素髮酵微生物microorganisms of antibiotic fermentation
- 東芝DGW-20A診視床夾片故障檢修1例報告One Case:The Trouble Shooting of Film Transport Unit in TOSHIBA DGW-20A Diagnostic Table
- 由青霉素類軟膏製成的真菌抗生素。a fungicidal antibiotic produced by molds of the genus Penicillium.
- BC-H-20A新型C_2選擇加氫催化劑的研究和應用A New Catalyst BC-H-20A for Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene
- 農用抗生素farm antibiotics
- 國產碳二加氫催化劑BC-H-20A在齊魯乙烯裝置上的應用Domestic Acetyl ene Selective Hydrogenation Catalyst BC-H-20A Applied on Qilu Ethylene Complex
- 一種新的高效抗生素不久將在市面銷售。A new potent antibiotic will shortly be available.
- 東芝DGW-20A、DFW-10B診斷床點片系統故障代碼12處理技巧The skills of maintenance of error code12for TOSHIBA DGW-20ADFW-10B X-ray spot film device
- 半合成的抗生素a semisynthetic antibiotic.
- 多肽類抗生素polypeptide antibiotics
- 故障代碼12是東芝DGW -20A、DFW -10B診斷床點片系統最常出現的故障之一。The error code12is one of the most frequently breakdown for X-ray spot film device on TOSHIBA DGW-20A DFW-10B diagnosis table.