- 手Fowler肌腱固定術Fowler tenodesis of hand
- 大多角骨切除加肌腱固定術治療第一腕掌關節炎的療效觀察Curative effectiveness of trapezium incision combined with tendon fixation treating osteoarthritis of the trapeziometacarpal joint
- Fowler-Stephen睾丸固定術Fowler - Stephen orchidopexy
- 尺側腕伸肌腱固定治療橈尺遠側關節背側半脫位的療效Treatment outcome of the distal radioulnar joint dorsal subluxation by tenodesis using the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon
- 術method
- 方法以大多角骨完全切除加部分橈側腕屈肌腱固定第一掌骨基底部的方法治療第一腕掌關節炎11例。Methods Eleven cases of osteoarthritis of carpometacarpal joint were treated by full excision of the trapezium and reconstruction of the first intermetacarpal ligament by using the distally based half of the flexor carpi radialis (FCR) tendon.
- 手肌腱固定術Fixation of tendon of hand; Tenodesis of hand
- 手筋膜固定術Fasciodesis of hand
- 跟腱、腓骨長肌腱、腓骨短肌腱、脛骨后肌腱及?展肌腱固定組分別為2292.6N、1020.5N、752.0N、938.9N和721.3N,新鮮組分別為1927.1N、819.5N、346.7N、699.7N、303.8N。The destruction load of Achilles tendon,peronaeuslongus tendon,peronaeus brevis tendon,tibialis posterior tendon and abductor hallucis tendon in the antiseptic group were 2292.6N, 1020.5N,752.0N,938.9N and 721.3N,and were 1927.1N,819.5N,699.7N and 303.8N,in the fresh group separately.
- 手指骨內固定術Internal fixation of bone of phalanges of hand
- 膀胱固定術cystopexy
- 固定術immobilization
- 帶上下血管蒂胸骨翻轉及改良克氏針外固定術治療漏斗胸The treatment of the funnel chest for sternoturnover with preservating up and down vessel pedicle by external fixation of sternum with Kirschner wire
- 兩種營養飲食對頜骨骨折內固定術后營養支持的效果研究A study on effect of two different kinds of nutritional diet for nutritional support in jaw bone fracture patients after underwent internal fixation
- 脾固定術splenopexy
- 腸固定術enteropexy
- 再固定術Refixation
- 腱固定術tenodesis
- 肘固定術elbow immobilization
- 髕固定術patellapexy