- 戈米辛Bgomisin B
- 她的成績是B+。She got a grade of B plus.
- comb這個詞里的"b"是不發音的。The "b" in "comb" is not sounded.
- 為B向A說情make an intercession to A for B
- 用b除adevide a by b
- 把線段AD 延長到 Bto produce the line AD to B
- b = AP-DS1 號。b = the AP-DS1 number.
- 把A和B相比parallel A with B
- A比B高A is taller than B
- 「與」B 非門A AND NOT B gate A
- ⅠbⅠ b
- 用A代Bsubstitute A for B
- B樹B-tree
- B碼B code
- 、BB
- B酸B acid
- K-BK-B
- B輻射UV-B radiation
- B.P.舒爾貝Schulberg B.P.
- 羅伯特·B·舍曼Sherman Robert B.