- 麥琪感到很窘,接著臉色變得通紅。Maggie felt embarrassed and turned crimson.
- 顯然他感到很窘。It was obvious that he was very embarrassed.
- 得知他們拒絕了我們的提議,我們感到很窘。It disconcerted us to learn that they had refused our offer.
- 瑪麗安替姐姐感到很窘。Marianne was vexed at it for her sister's sake.
- 我開始唱歌時,他大笑起來,使我感到很窘。When I began to sing, he laughed and made me embarrassed.
- 我對公司中這种放松的氛圍感到很熟悉。I am familiar with the casual atmosphere in the company.
- 他因為弄錯而顯得很窘。He is embarrassed because he made a mistake.
- 他感到很不舒服而扭動身體。He writhed his body in great discomfort.
- 他一度生活很窘。He was rather hard up for a time.
- 經過一些必要的變動后,現在的小組成員將會齊心協力開展工作,他對此感到很滿意。Having made the necessary changes, he was satisfied that he had a team which would collectively handle the task.
- 我在舞會時覺得很窘。I felt awkward at the party.
- 那我會感到很驚喜的。That's a pleasant surprise.
- 他似乎被這問題搞得很窘。He seemed embarrassed by the question.
- 他感到很興奮。He was tingling with excitement.
- 面試主持人把她追問得很窘.The interviewer had driven her into a corner
- 給你們大家造成這樣的不便,我感到很過意不去·I feel quite guilty, putting you all to such inconvenience.
- 我丟了錢, 處境很窘。Having lost my money, I was in an embarrassing position.
- 我對此實在感到很抱歉。I really feel bad about that.
- 瓊聽到女生們在批評她,覺得很窘。Joan over-heard the girls criticizing her and it made her ears burn.
- 他感到很不自在,用懇求的目光望著我們。He felt very uncomfortable and looked entreaty at us.