



  • - (覺得) feel; sense:

    not feel very well; be under the weather; be out of sorts; 身體略感不適

    I feel keenly that my ability falls short of my wishes. 我深感力不從心。

    - (懷有謝意) be grateful; be obliged; appreciate:

    I should be grateful if you would send it to me at an early date. 請早日寄下為感。

    - (感動) move; touch:

    be deeply moved 深有所感

    - (中醫指感受風寒) be affected:

    be affected by the cold; get a cold 外感風寒

    - (接觸光線而發生變化) sensitize
  • - (感覺; 情感; 感想) sense; feeling; emotion:

    aesthetic feeling; sense of beauty; 美感

    favourable impression; 好感



  1. 聽到這個消息我感到很遺憾。
    I'm sorry to hear that.
  2. 這房間給人非常溫暖舒適的感覺。
    The room has a nice cosy feel.
  3. 火車一開,一陣涼風吹來,我們頓感涼爽。
    As the train began to move a pleasant draught cooled us all down.
  4. 希望你能感到像一家人一樣。
    We'd like you to feel you're part of the family.
  5. 出海一周後,又重新回到陸地上而感到愉快。
    After a week at sea, it was good to feel the earth under our feet again.
  6. 不應該讓退休的人感到自己是個閑人
    A retired person should not be made to feel he's on the shelf.


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