- 相撞barge against
- 連環相撞pileup
- 他對我口出惡言。He made many abusive remarks to me.
- 橋上發生了嚴重的汽車相撞事故。There was a serious motor smash on the bridge.
- 她惡言傷人。She used vicious remarks to insult people.
- 船隻相撞事件因霧造成。The collision between the ships was caused by fog.
- 惡言惡語rough side of the tongue
- 這兩輛卡車面對面地相撞了。The two trucks crashed head on.
- v. 惡言中傷speak daggers to sb.
- 由於相撞,頭兩節車廂疊嵌在一起了。As a result of the collision, the first two cars telescoped.
- 但是負面的刺激,如懲罰或口出惡言,則會讓員工受挫。But negative motivation, such as punishment or verbal abuse, upsets employees.
- 他們的船與另一條船相撞。They collided with another ship.
- 他們倆為啥是惡言相對呢?Why are they always biting at each other?
- 這兩輛汽車迎面相撞。The two cars met head-on.
- 惡言的invective
- 5個人死於公共汽車相撞。Five persons died during the collision between two buses.
- 他連珠炮似地囗出惡言。He shot out a stream of curses.
- 卡車與汽車側面相撞。The truck hit the car broadside on.
- 惡言毒語malicious remarks
- 此次火車相撞事件,就法律觀點來看是一場無法避免的災禍。The present railway collision is an inevitable accident in the eye of law.