- 悸動急迅而有力地抖動;戰慄、搖動或顫動to move with a slight tremulous motion; tremble,shake,or quiver
- 迅馳Centrino
- 通迅錄address book
- 他沿著小路急奔。He pegged along the path.
- 燕子穿雲急飛。Swallows were darting through the clouds.
- 迅雷不及掩耳as sudden as a flash of lightning
- 使馬急馳trot horse
- 急陡的下坡a rapid descent
- 你知道審迅定於今天舉行嗎?Do you know the hearing was set down for today?
- 別說得那麼急。Don't gabble.
- 迅裂[電] disruptive
- 至急deadly haste
- 匯迅Shanghai Net Advanced Service Co. Ltd
- 孩子們急著想動身。The children were impatient to start.
- 必迅BI XUN
- 幹嗎這麼急?What's the hurry?
- 迅如疾風swift as gale
- 他急欲得到權力。He is greedy to gain power.
- 迅急very fast; rapidly; at high speed
- 他急跑著去招呼計程車。He sprinted out for (to call) a taxi.