- 微生態製劑EM原露effective microorganisms(EM)
- 微生態製劑EMmicrobial ecological agents EM
- EM原露防治小麥全蝕病效果Study on the Effects of EM Original Solution on Preventing Wheat Foot Rot
- EM原露在茶樹上噴施效果初報Preliminary report on the effect of spraying EM stock solution to tea trees
- 微生態製劑-宮康素預防控制母豬產後產道炎症及提高母豬繁殖性能臨床試驗初報Experiment Report of Probiotic-Gong Kang Su Prevention and Control Sow Uteritis and Improvement of Reproductivity
- 微生態製劑治療組和中藥治療組hBD-2 mRNA的水平平均分別較BV組增高(P<0.05)。The expression of hBD-2 mRNA was notably increased in treatment groups than in BV group(P<0.05).
- EM原露生物發酵肥料試驗初報Preliminary experiment report on EM neat juice biological yeasted fertilizer
- 製劑(chemical or pharmaceutical) preparation
- EM原露飲水對蛋雞生產性能的影響Effect of Appending EM Fumet in Water on Performances of Hens
- 微生態製劑Probiotics
- EM原露在水稻上應用效果試驗總結Effects of EM on rice
- 超微結構ultrastructure
- 原畫original painting
- 超微ultramicro
- 免疫抑製劑immunosuppressor
- 洗髮露shampoo
- 花園裡晨露晶瑩。Morning dew pearled the garden.
- 原話original words
- 微生態Microecology
- 沉床微生態caisson microecology