- 微泵概念設計的FBS模型FBS Model for Conceptual Designing Micro-pump
- 一種大小超過某一界限值的FBS點陣圖文件,這個界限值一般是被設置成4。OPX, OXH large bitmap A FBS bitmap whose size is greater than a certain threshold value, currently set at 4Kb.
- 靜脈微泵注射小劑量胺碘酮治療陣發性房顫的療效和安全性Effective and safety of the treatment of transvenous low dose amiodarone by minipump in patients of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
- 夾具概念設計的工件方位分析Orientation Analysis of Workpiece for Conceptual Design of Fixture
- 泵pump
- 程序設計programmer
- 概念設計模型concept design model
- 畢業設計diploma project
- 數字化無閥微泵的泵送性能實驗研究Experimental Research on the Drive-control of a Digital Valveless Micro-pump
- 平面設計planar design
- 這個街區是這樣設計的,房子的正面都背向繁忙的街道。The estate is so designed that the front of each house faces away from busy roads.
- 機電產品創新概念設計的功能分解方法解析Parsing of functional decomposition methods for mechanical-electronical product creative conceptual design
- 在系統開發過程中,用硬體、軟體或其兩者對一個系統設計的具體實現。In system development, the realization of a system design in hardware, software, or both.
- 新設計的插秧機不久即可使用。The newly designed rice transplanter will soon be operational.
- 多色集合及其在概念設計產品模型形式化描述中的應用Polychromatic Sets with Application in the Formalization of Conceptual Design Product Model
- 巴黎設計的新潮款式經常很快地就被便宜的成衣商仿製。The high fashions designed in Paris are often quickly copied by makers of cheap clothing.
- 整體概念設計overall conceptual design
- 擺錘優化設計的數學模型The mathematical model in optimal design of pendulum
- 概念設計評價concept design evaluation
- 易拉罐尺寸設計的優化模型Optimal model for ring-pull can size design