- 役使use; work; enslave
- 役使原理[化] slaving principle
- 役使結構passive marker
- 我隨時聽候差遣。I await assignment at any moment.
- 當你的占役使你的崩潰時When your battles wear you down
- 我現在得去聽他的差遣。I have to go an errand for him now.
- 地主把長工當牛馬一樣役使。The landlord made the farmhands toil like beasts of burden.
- 再差遣resend
- 典型電力系統模擬中的狀態變數役使現象Slaving Phenomena by State Variable in a Typical Power System Simulation
- 差遣官dispatching officers
- 聽差遣fetch and carry
- 有經驗的政治家,洞悉每個人的性格,役使每個人的才能,表現他的優越。The practised politician is to read every body's character, and make every body's talents conduce to the display of his own superiority.
- 供差遣run errands
- (4)範例:本文列舉三個範例(役使原理,貝納德元胞,離散映射)。Examples: three examples given in this article---Servo-principle, Bernard cells, Logisticreflection
- 聽從差遣obey assignment
- 有經驗的政治家,洞悉每個人的性格,役使每個人的才能,表現他的優越。The practised politician is to read every body's character, and make every body's talents conduce to the display of his own superiority.
- 差遣費用removal expense
- 聽候差遣await assignment; be at sb.'s disposal
- 治理擁有一千輛兵車的國家,要嚴肅認真地處理政事,誠信無欺,節約費用,愛護人民,農閑時役使老百姓。To rule a country of a thound chariots, the ruler should attend strictly to business, keep his promises, economize in expenditure, love the people, and use the labour of the peasantry at the proper seasons.
- 他們既被聖靈差遣,就下到西流基,從那裡坐船往塞普勒斯去。So they, being sent forth by the Holy Ghost, departed unto Seleucia; and from thence they sailed to Cyprus.