



  • - (給弓或樂器上弦) fix (a bowstring); string (a musical instrument):

    refix a bowstring; restring a musical instrument; make a fresh [new] start; start afresh 改弦更張

    - (分開; 放開) open; spread; stretch:

    spread the wings; 張翅膀兒

    open one's eyes wide; 張大眼睛

    - (陳設; 鋪排) set out; display:

    lay on a feast 大張筵席

    - (伸展; 擴大) expand; extend:

    expand; enlarge; spread; 擴張

    uphold; promote 伸張

    - (鋪張; 誇大) magnify; exaggerate:

    exaggerate; overstate; 誇張

    make an empty show of strength 虛張聲勢

    - (看; 望) look:

    gaze [peer] around 東張西望

    - (放縱; 無拘束) give free rein to; indulge:

    rampant; aggressive 囂張

    - (商店開業) (of a shop) start business; set up:

    open a business; begin doing business 開張

    - (施展) put to good use; give free play to:

    declare war on a country to punish it for its iniquities 大張撻伐

    - (設機關羅網以捕鳥獸) catch with a net; net; trap:

    catch birds with a net; 張鳥

    net fish 張魚

    - (使強大) enlarge
  • - (緊; 急) nervous; tense:

    flurried; flustered 慌張

  • - (用於紙、皮子等):

    a piece [sheet] of paper; 一張紙

    two pictures; 兩張畫

    - (用於床、桌子等):

    a bed; 一張床

    four tables; 四張桌子

    - (用於嘴、臉):

    a smiling face; 一張笑臉

    a girl with a rosebud mouth; 長著一張櫻桃小口的姑娘

    - (用於弓):

    a bow 一張弓

  • - (二十八宿之一) Zhang, one of the lunar mansions
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Zhang Qian 張騫



  1. 請遞給我一張紙巾。
    Please pass me a piece of paper handkerchief.
  2. 做試驗前,老師給我們每個人發了一張濾紙。
    The teacher gave each of us a piece of filter paper before doing the experiment.
  3. 能給我一張紙嗎?
    Could you give me a piece of paper?
  4. 這張舊桌子是一件很珍貴的傢具。
    This old table is a valuable piece of furniture.
  5. 她把一張白紙插入打字機里。
    She inserted a new sheet of paper into the typewriter.
  6. 他們把魚和馬鈴薯片用一張報紙包起來。
    They wrapped fish and chips in a sheet of newspaper.
  7. 這封信只用一張紙寫成。
    The letter was written on a single sheet of paper.
  8. 她用一張面巾紙擦掉臉上的汗水。
    She wiped off the sweat from her face with a piece of facial tissue.


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