- 開發軟體OEMDeveloping software OEM
- 開發軟體OEM下界面的編製The Compiling of the Interface in the Development Software OEM
- OEM商業模式OEM Business Code
- 沒有做過諮詢就開發軟體,你應該要有足夠的遠見才行。But if you have what it takes to start a startup you should have sufficient vision not to need this crutch
- 開發軟體developing software
- 我們首家已通過歐洲EMC認證,歐洲幾個OEM大品牌正全面起動。We are the first one who qualified with the EMC certification, several European grand OEM brands have been launching into the market.
- 您認為中國體育用品行業發展的出路是什麼?是OEM還是自主品牌?Who will run the show of China's sports industry: OEM or local brands?
- 使用軟體開發工具(C/C++,JAVA)開發軟體模塊(組件)。Build software modules using C/C++, JAVA, or other software tools.
- 我們20個研發人員時刻站在變幻莫測的市場前沿,並且他們總是可以很快地解決你們的關於OEM/dm的問題。Our20 R& D staff stay abreast with the changing market demands and they are always ready to handle your OEM/ ODM specifications.
- 程序開發軟體program development software (PDS)
- 家庭開發軟體homegrown software
- 閉合開發軟體CDSIntroducing Closed Developing Software-CDS
- 專家系統開發軟體工具expert system development software tool
- 兩家跨國公司在開發新軟體方面相互合作。The two international companies are working in collaboration with each other in the development of new software.
- 開放的平台讓人們開發軟體Copper enamel wire included Open platform development system for software developers
- VB軟體開發VB software development
- 進行軟體測試和為關鍵程序開發軟體的公司。對開發過程和測試活動感興趣。I'm interested in companies that perform software testing and that develop software for critical applications. I'm interested in their processes and testing activities.
- CAI軟體開發CAI software development
- 商業:通過合作開發軟體產品來獲取、管理、保存和發布數字化的學術研究資料Business: by collaboratively developing software products to capture, manage, preserve, and redistribute digital scholarly research materials
- ECU軟體開發ECU software development