- 全部病例同時作了常現二維超聲(US),平掃CT(PCT)和增強CT(CCT);Ultrasound (US), precontrast CT (PCT), and contrast CT(CCT) were pefored in all patients.
- 平掃CTplain CT
- 腎上腺腫瘤的平掃CT值與磁共振化學位移成像反相位信號丟失程度相關性的研究?Adrenal masses: is there linear correlation between unenhanced CT attenuation value and signal intensity loss on opposed-phase chemical shift MR imaging?
- 平掃CT, 單純CTplain CT
- 方法:20例腦靜脈竇血栓形成均有MRI SE序列平掃,10例有TOF法MRV,3例有MRI Gd-DTPA增強; 13例有平掃CT對照。Methods:Spin-echo(SE) MRI was performed in all 20 cases, 3 of them had the Gd-DT-PA post-contrast study, and 10 of them had cerebral venous TOF MRV, the results in 13 of which were compared with that of plain CT.
- 平郵ordinary mail; surfime mail
- 測量H(平掃CT值)及SII(信號強度指數)、ASR(腎上腺-脾臟化學位移比率)、ALR(腎上腺-肝臟化學位移比率)、AMR(腎上腺-肌肉化學位移比率)。Hounsfield units (H), signal intensity index (SII), adrenal-to-spleen chemical shift ratio (ASR), adrenal-to-liver chemical shift ratio (ALR) and adrenal-to-muscle chemical shift ratio (AMR) were obtained for each adrenal mass.
- 地平Horizon
- 磨平rubdown
- 普通計算體層攝影(術), 非強化計算體層攝影(術), 平掃plain CT
- 普通算計體機層攝影掃描,非強化計算體層攝影掃描,平掃plain CT scan
- 普通算計體機層攝影掃描,非強化計算體層(攝影)掃描,平掃plain CT scan
- 平掃plain scan
- CT平掃CT noncontrast enhanced scan
- 普通算計體機層掃描,非強化計算體層(攝影)掃描,平掃plain CT scan
- 多序列平掃multi- serial plane scanning
- 上肢軟組織平掃Upper Extremities Soft Tissue Scan
- CT檢查分平掃plain CT scan
- 基線掃描,平掃baseline scan
- 普通掃描,平掃plasma 341 pleurography plain scan