- 平均舍伍得數Shaverage Sherwood numberSh
- 在較低旋轉雷諾數下,平均舍伍得數基本保持不變,在較高旋轉雷諾數下,平均舍伍得數隨旋轉雷諾數的增大而增大;the average Sherwood number doesn't change at low rotational Reynolds,while it increases with rotational Reynolds for larger rotational Reynolds numbers;
- 歲伍Sui Wu
- 舍硫油品Sulfur containing oil
- 原子平均截面cross section per atom
- 瀑布鳥舍the Waterfall Aviary
- 平均調用持續時間average call duration
- 臨時棚舍pandal
- 平均提高採收率15%。the average EOR efficiency is 15%25.
- 痰火擾動精舍phlegm-fire disturbing essence-chamber
- 廣義單元平均中性軸高度wide average height of inertia axis of cell
- 每噸煤平均含30公斤氮。Every tonne of coal contains,on average,30 kilograms of nitrogen.
- 舍飼小尾寒羊部分生產性能的測定Determination of Partial Performance of Small Tail Han Sheep Raised in Stall
- 聚乙烯醇樹脂平均聚合度測定方法Determination for average polymerization degree of polyvinyl alcohol resins
- 不過,國人平均壽命比前一年成長了。Even so, the life expectancy rate has increased since last year.
- "你想拿這個作擔保,要我借給你半個克郎?" 舍洛克驚呼道,"可是這東西一個小錢也不值呀。""Lend you half a crown with this as security?" cried Sherlock, "Why, it's not worth a doit."
- 雙塔樓建築風場及平均風荷載的數值模擬Numerical Simulation of Mean Wind Pressure And Wind flow Around Double-tower Tall Building
- 環狀懸挑屋蓋平均風壓與風環境數值模擬Numerical Simulation of Wind Pressure Distribution and Wind Environment on the Round Cantilevered Roof
- 光度法測定甲殼低聚糖的平均相對分子質量Determination of Mean Relative Molecular Mass of Chitosanoligosaccharide by Photometric Analysis
- 農業增加值增長3.5倍,年平均增長3.3%。the agricultural added value increased by 4.5 times, with an average annual growth rate of 3.3 percent;