- 氏clan name
- 巢氏PCRNested PCR
- 屈臣氏Watson
- 歸巢homing
- 巢式PCRNested PCR
- 源氏物語Genshi Monogatali
- 愛巢home
- 布氏硬度brinell hardness
- 空巢empty nest
- 唐氏綜合症Down's syndrome
- 旁氏Ponds
- 巢床PCRnested PCR
- 洛氏硬度rockwell hardness
- 傾巢turn out in full force
- 巴氏殺菌pasteurize
- 半巢式PCRheminested PCR
- 維氏硬度vickers hardness
- 全城居民傾巢而出歡迎教皇。The whole city turned out to cheer the Pope.
- 洛氏硬度計Rockwell apparatus
- 在黃巢的帶領下他們推翻了統治了三百年的王朝。Led by Huang Chao, they brought down the reigning house after300 years' rule.