



  1. 你在年底前將暫屬於這一部門。
    You'll be attached to this department until the end of the year.
  2. 我不屬於激進派。
    I don't belong to the school of thought that favours radical change.
  3. 這財產按理說是屬於她的。
    The property belongs to her as of right.
  4. 該公司以前隸屬於一個國際銀行集團。
    The company formerly belonged to an international banking group.
  5. 我們屬於同一教會。
    We belong to the same communion.
  6. 他迴避這一問題,說這不屬於他的責任範圍。
    He side-stepped the issue by saying it was not part of his responsibilities.
  7. 獅子屬於貓科動物。
    Lions belong to the cat family.
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