- 層layer
- 相層序Facies sequence
- 東秦嶺-大別造山帶南緣印支期以來構造層序耦合特徵分析Sedimentological responses of the coupling between tectonics and sequence since Indo-Chinese epoch in the southern margin of the eastern Qinling and Dabie orogenic belt, China
- 區域分帶層序regional zonal sequence
- 氣候層序climate sequence
- 複合層序composite sequence
- 陸相層序continental sequence
- 坳陷層序depressed sequence
- 層序地層sequence stratigraphy
- 層序格架sequence framework
- 高頻層序high-frequency sequence
- 五級層序fifth-order sequence
- 層序劃分sequence classification
- 三級層序third-order sequence
- 充填層序infilllng sequence
- 層序特徵sequence characteristic
- 層序旋迴sequence cycle
- 層序識別sequence identification
- 層序結構sequence structure
- 層序類型sequence type