- 一種基於局部Gabor濾波器組的手寫體漢字識別方法Handwritten Chinese character recognition based on local gabor filter bank
- 基於局部Gabor變化直方圖序列的人臉描述與識別Histogram Sequence of Local Gabor Binary Pattern for Face Description and Identification
- 首先採用二維可分離EMD分解提高各圖像成份的四元數Fourier頻域特徵的分離度,再使用四元數Gabor濾波器組進行解析特徵提取,最後利用新的模糊c均值聚類評價函數實現無監督的紋理分割。This method uses 2-D separable EMD to enhance the separability of features in frequency-domain,then a quaternionic Gabor filter bank is designed to extract analytic features and a novel validity function of fuzzy c-means clustering is introduced to realize texture segmentation.
- Log-Gabor濾波器Log-Gabor filter
- Gabor濾波器虛部imaginary part of Gabor filter
- 對數-Gabor濾波器log-Gabor filter
- 改進型多通道Gabor濾波器multi - channel Gabor filters
- 濾波器組filter bank
- G-ASM:一種基於Gabor Wavelet和Active Shape Model的人臉特徵點跟蹤方法G-ASM: Facial Feature Tracking Based on Gabor Wavelet and Actvie Shape Model
- 北京奧組委BOCOG; Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad
- Gabor濾波器在彩色紋理表面缺陷檢測中的應用Application of Gabor Filtering Methods to Auto-defect-detecting of Color Texture Surface
- F局部擬鞅local quasi-F martingale
- 該足球隊被降格編入乙組。The football team was relegated to the second division.
- 半局部收斂semilocal convergence
- 按學生成績分組根據能力、成績或需要將學生分成幾個學習進程組The placing of students in any of several courses of study according to ability, achievement, or needs.
- 半局部的sxemilocal
- 利用基於濾波器組的重疊變換抑制擴頻通信系統中的時變干擾Non-stationary interference excision in spread spectrum systems using the filter-bank based lapped transform
- 半局部環semilocal ring
- 半局部模semilocal module
- 維修組明天修理你們車間的機器。The maintenance crew will make repairs to machines in your workshop tomorrow.