- 小兒通常用MMR三聯疫苗measles virus vaccine
- 教師通常用紅墨水批改。Teachers usually make corrections in red ink.
- 麻疹/流行性腮腺炎/風疹三聯疫苗vaccine for measles/mumps/rubella
- 他通常用牙齒叼著一支雪茄。He usually has a cigar vised in his teeth.
- 百日咳白喉破傷風三聯疫苗pertussis and tetanus vaccine
- 沒用useless
- 流感疫苗flu shot
- 用來be used for
- 再用reoccupy
- 按通常情況in the natural course of event
- 沒用的trashy
- "別以為就這麼定下來了,通常要局長說了才算的。" 湯姆說道。"Don't think it is settled yet; the Director always has the last word, " said Tom.
- 人們接種麻疹疫苗。People are vaccinated against measles.
- 妙用magical function
- 這裡冬天的天氣通常非常惡劣。In this area the weather is usually nasty in winter.
- 不活動性小兒麻痹疫苗inactivated polio vaccine
- 用在be used in
- 沒有用的unprofitable
- 沒有用no good
- 並用use simultaneously