- 小兒wean
- 小兒麻痹acute anterior poliomyelitis
- 諭示百姓To notify the masses by proclamation
- 文告百姓A proclamation issued to the masses
- 壓害百姓To oppress the masses
- 全科醫生把小兒的病診斷為肺炎。The general practitioner diagnosed the illness of the baby as pneumonia.
- 蹂躪百姓To trample on the masses
- 小兒推拿child massage
- 百姓被從城裡疏散到了農莊。The civilians were evacuated from the city to farms.
- 小兒散pulvis infantile
- 小兒脫證infantile desertion syndrome
- 欺侮兄弟會的平民百姓to bullyrag fraternity plebs
- 君王發狂,百姓遭殃。Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.
- 小兒厥證infantile syncope syndrome
- 小兒肺炎infantile pneumonia
- 普通百姓the common herd(= ordinary people)
- 刻削百姓To exploit the masses
- 小兒推拿特定穴位special acupoints for massage in children
- 驚厥; (小兒)驚風be convulsed
- 漁奪百姓To plunder the people